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When you're in Aldrich Park, you're at the center of campus, the community, and the world.
The center of our universe
Aldrich Park, the unique hallmark of our campus, is what makes our large research university feel like a small, tight-knit community.
When you study at UC Irvine, your future is wide open. It’s no coincidence that the campus was designed to favor wide-open spaces as well, with almost all of our schools set along a circle around a large central park.
UC Irvine’s layout was the idea of our first chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich and his fellow university planners, who wanted the school to look differently from traditional universities. Its plan called for a central park to serve as the heart of campus, with a circular path, Ring Road, surrounding it. Almost every undergraduate school is placed along Ring Road, allowing students to easily get around. This circular design also fosters a collaborative and interdisciplinary learning environment.
The graduate schools are purposefully further out from Ring Road to illustrate concentric circles of knowledge based on educational attainment.
The park remains the focus of UC Irvine activity and is named Aldrich Park in honor of “Chancellor Dan.”
One ring to bind them
All schools on Ring Road have a plaza between them that joins one school to another, and this shared space cultivates a familial environment. Each plaza connects to Aldrich Park. You’ll enjoy the beauty of the Infinity Fountain, located in a small plaza near the School of Physical Sciences. It’s a popular place for meet-ups and studying. And below Humanities Plaza, you’ll find the Jao Family Sculpture Garden, which celebrates notable Chinese philosophers. It's a beautiful garden where you can pause and enjoy a quiet moment.
Schedule a tour
Come see for yourself by taking a tour with a current student who was once in your shoes and can speak to your questions about the experience of being a UC Irvine student. Livestream and in-person tours are now available.