Official college or university transcripts, as well as all official test scores such as AP, IB must be sent to the UC Irvine Office of Undergraduate Admissions. We primarily accept documents electronically. Please find a list of vendors and methods here.
- Official transcripts from all colleges and universities must be received by July 1, 2025.
- If you are attending summer session, an official transcript is still required by July 1 showing all coursework through spring 2025.
- All AP/IB test scores must be received by July 15, 2025.
- AP Exams Note: Each summer, College Board closes for several weeks and delays sending AP scores paid for during that time. Please send your AP scores before July 1 to avoid a delay in UC Irvine receiving your scores.
- Official college transcripts for courses taken during summer 2025 must be received by September 15, 2025.
Failure to submit official documents by the above deadlines may result in an admission hold on your record and an eventual rescinding of your admission offer.
International students are encouraged to request official transcripts as soon as possible to avoid delays.